Wednesday, May 16, 2007

50 Book Milestone

Hi my lovelies. This is just a quick post to say that so far since January 1st of this year I have reviewed 50 books here! I have read about vampires, and werewolves and ghosties, oh my! I've also read some fantasy, some non-fiction and some "respected literature" which was the original goal. Here's some fun facts for you:
  • I have read 12,362 pages ( I think - I'll admit I'm no good with the calculator)
  • I have talked about Stephen King more than I have read him
  • Two main characters have been named Jack, and even more had no names, or inconsequential names
  • I have been duped into thinking I was reading a story with an end that was not an end 3 times since I've started.
  • I have given out the Bee seal of approval only 5 times (I'm tough!)
  • I have read 6 books from the modern library's list.
I've also made changes to the website that I'm proud of: such as my super sexy tag cloud, my favicon, as well as a box of my latest wordie words. I also think my blogrolls rock - I have a lot of kickass sites on there. Also, I've added a meebo widget: so you can talk to me. P.S. I am super fun to talk to and you should do it! Every comment and e-mail is like a warm fuzzy hug for me - so do it up! (shameless blogwhoring over). I'm considering adding cover photos in the future, and I have other tricks up my sleeve, so you'll have to stay tuned. Okay, I have to stop yapping and go read.


Carl V. Anderson said...

Congrats!!! Considering the fact that you like some of the creepy things I want to put in a plug for the second annual R.I.P. (Readers in Peril) Challenge that starts in Sept. I hosted this last year and it was great fun.

Sherriff said...

I like how "respected literature" hides cosy in little "s. Heh.

I shall make my leisurely way through your book reviews and hope to have a yarn some time.

Books. Best. Etc.