Thursday, January 4, 2007

I'm a book nerd, are you?

So that's basically my story, I'm a nerd. I'm a librarian to be and I pride myself on being 'well read' though the irony of that is that I read a lot of trash and fluff. But it's so good. This year I resolve to read the same trash and fluff with fervor, but to also try to add some classics as well.
The following link will lead you to the Modern Libraries list of the 100 best novels (ever?). Way back in high school I was given a list like this in my AP English class and I decided to read them all. I totally never did. So, about 6 years later (how am I so old?) I have decided to revisit this list.
I'm not saying I will read all of them or anything, or that I will read only them, because I really only want to read Stephen King and J.D. Robb (I'm not sorry) but I will try to read a balance of something from the list and something I want to read.
In Stephen King's book Bag of Bones his main character said something about the books people read are a really good way of knowing who they are (worst paraphrase ever?) and I thought it would be a fun thing to write about the books I am reading this year. So I will put entries and links and little reviews about each book that I read all year, and I will try to tackle some of this list.
I'm not pretending that I'm an awesomely educated book snob whose opinion is important or anything, it's really just more for fun. However, I do occasionally write real reviews and I do have a print journalism degree for which I took a book review course. Please feel free to add comments about the books of suggestions.
thanks for reading

1 comment:

Doug Bolden said...

Most book snobs I know, the sort that disdain my love of Christopher Moore, Neil Gaiman and Post-Cyberpunk novels, honestly read very little. I can read complete schlock, and I can read classics or various histories. I try and not make any rash judgment about a book being good just because it is older and fits a more specific form.

For me, it is about honest pleasure. Self-edification granted by spending a month deciphering William Butler Yeats is sheer butter topping for me.

It is a potential danger of being a book snob. I've lost many a good friend to the "war" of taste set so high that it sometimes forget the sheer joy of just reading.